How To Read Vehicle Info
Auction Grade / Overall Grade
5: as close as the vehicle without any scratches
4.5: between 4 and 5
4: minor dents, some line scratches
3.5: between 3 and 4
3: additional repainting work required
2: requires repainting work
1: damaged by hail stones or flood
R: accident repaired vehicles
RA: minor accident, repaired
RB: major accident, repaired
Depending on auction companies, accident repaired
vehicles are indicated either R or RA or RB.
Basically, these vehicles are repaired and supposedly without any major
However, the buyer should be careful when considering the vehicles with
such rating.
Noises in engines or any other things that might affect the running of the
vehicles are to be mentioned by the former owners or by inspectors.
A: No repairs are necessary.
In good condition and is quite clean.
B: No repairs are necessary.
Some minor defects are seen, but mostly in fair condition and cleanliness.
C: Minor repairs are necessary
Some defects are seen and may require some touches.
D: Major repairs are necessary
Some serious defects are seen and will require some works.
E: Major repairs are necessary
Many serious defects are seen and will require a lot of work.
Methods to read Dent, Scratches, etc
A: Scratches
U: Dents
S or C: Rust
B: Dent + Scratches +(or Rust)
XX: Accident. But it has replaced
X: Accident. It Needs to be repaired
P: painted
W: Wave
Methods to read Range of Scratches,
A1: Scratches that is 1cm to 5cm
A2: Scratches that is 6cm to 14cm
A3: Scratches that is 15cm to 20cm
A4: Scratches that is 21cm or more
Methods to read Range of Dents,
U1: Scratches that is 1cm to 5cm
U2: Scratches that is 6cm to 14cm
U3: Scratches that is 15cm to 20cm
U4: Scratches that is 21cm or more
Methods to read Range of Scratches and Dents,
UA1: Scratches that is 1cm to 5cm
UA2: Scratches that is 6cm to 14cm
UA3: Scratches that is 15cm to 20cm
UA4: Scratches that is 21cm or more
**Degree of damages, conditions, etc will be graded by each auction house independently**
It is mentioned in auction sheets whether the vehicle comes with valid automobile inspection or not. The longer the validity of the automobile inspection, the higher the possibility for the vehicle to be resold domestically, thus reducing the chance of your successful bid. We recommend you to look for vehicles without valid automobile inspection. Please check for the automobile inspection before participating in bidding.